PETRONAS Gas Berhad- Gas Processing Kertih (PGB-GPK) is one of the five operating plant listed under PETRONAS Gas Berhad- Gas Processing & Utilities.
It was commissioned in 1984 on the span of 313 acre land with 399 direct manpower strength. The current Head of PGB-GPK is En Shahrul Izan Bakti B A Aziz as the General Manager and supported by his leadership team which consist of Operations, Maintenance and HSSE Head in pursuing Generative HSSE Culture.
The plant consist of Gas Processing plant (GPP) 1, GPP 2, GPP 3, GPP4 and DPCU as main production unit and KCS as gas transportation unit.
The main product of PGB-GPK are namely Methane, Ethane, Propane and Butane.
PGB-GPK is also covered under CIMAH Regulation due to the nature of handling Hydro carbon.
PGB-GPK is looking forward in achieving Generative HSSE Culture and will always be Passionate about Progress. Towards World Class OSH Excellence.
Gold Merit Award
In special recognition and appreciation of the company's outstanding performance and dedication to excellence.